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The Specific Manufacturing Process Of The File Cabinet

2020-01-26  Tags:file cabinet,storage cabinet with file drawer

Many consumers want to know the specific manufacturing process of the file cabinet when purchasing the file cabinet. However, to see it in person, they have to go to the file cabinet manufacturing factory. So for many consumers, the manufacturing process of the file cabinet. The process is unknown. So today, I will share with you the specific method of manufacturing the storage cabinet with a file drawer so that everyone has a deeper understanding of the file cabinet.

storage cabinet with file drawer

Before introducing the manufacturing process, let me tell you about the tools required for manufacturing. The manufacturing of file cabinets mainly relies on devices such as shears, folding machines, punches, acid and alkali pools, welders, electrostatic sprayers, and other tools. With the help of these tools, the file cabinets are built with higher quality. In addition to the tools required for manufacturing, the raw materials needed for the manufacture of metal filing cabinets are cold-rolled plates and electrostatic spray powder. Besides, the creation of a storage cabinet with file drawer also requires the support of accessories, such as locks, door handles, door free pages, and so on.

In addition to a brief introduction to the tools, raw materials, and accessories for file cabinet manufacturing, we will introduce the specific manufacturing process below:

1. Design. Many people will ignore this step when adding the manufacturing process of the storage cabinet with file drawer. In fact, after requests from the customer, the file cabinet manufacturer will design according to the customer's requirements. The design content includes dimensions, Space, color, appearance, and more. This is the first step before manufacturing.

2. Open the material. The shearing machine is used to reduce the required size of the cold-rolled steel plate. Different customers, different requirements, different styles, etc., the size of the cut steel plate is different.

3. Stamping. This item has relatively high technical requirements. The punched steel plate is used to punch out the cut edges and handle positions. The style of chamfering is different at different views on the filing cabinet. For example, the door and side panels of the filing cabinet are different from each other. For large file cabinet manufacturers, corner removal is an assembly line operation.

4. Bend. Use a folding machine to fold out the inner and outer folds. Similarly, the different positions of the filing cabinets have various bends.

5. Spot welding. When all the bends are done, spot welding with electric welders is used. Large manufacturers use spotless spot welders. The surface of the file cabinets spotted is flat and need not be polished again. At this time, the whole cabinet is ready.

6. Pickling and phosphating. The spot-welded file cabinets must be acid-washed and phosphate in an acid-alkali bath, which can remove the grease and rust spots on the surface of the plate and prepare for plastic spraying.

7. Spraying. The pickling and phosphating file cabinets are placed in the plastic spraying workshop to complete the spraying process. This process uses electrostatic powder spraying, which is not only bright and clean but also green. Generally, the sprayed file cabinet is heated at high temperatures.

8. Assembly molding. After spraying is completed, the filing cabinet can be transported to the assembly workshop for assembly. After the partitions, slides, drawers, door panels, locks, etc. are assembled, the quality inspector tests and the finished product can be packed after passing the inspection.

 storage cabinet with file drawer

The manufacturing process of the storage cabinet with file drawer has roughly gone through the above eight steps. If consumers want to know something about purchasing, they should try to scrutinize the manufacturing process when inspecting the manufacturers to be aware of it.