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How To Check Sliding Baskets For Kitchen Cabinets

2020-01-07  Tags:

New house decoration, the kitchen is right, look at the cabinets and know that with the improvement of material level, the kitchen is no longer just a place to cook, it also carries the warmth and taste of a home.

The cabinet is the soul of the kitchen, and it also costs a lot of expense for home improvement. Naturally, it is not necessary to say much about its importance. However, many people only choose the cabinet considering the appearance and overall matching and ignore many vital factors, such as material, thickness, hardware, and so on.

In the process of home renovation, the quality inspection of kitchen cabinets cannot be omitted.

1. Kitchen cabinets to buy quality

The key to the quality of the kitchen cabinet is that if the board is opened with wood and small edges, this can reflect whether the opening saw is imported or not, and how good the quality is; such as whether the edge banding is dense, whether the edge is smooth and round, which can reflect There is an imported edge banding machine when there is a wood, and there is an automatic edge blanking effect when there is a wood; such as whether the hinge opening is smooth and level, which can reflect whether the wood has a hinge machine, such as the door frame, the drawer opening. Closing is light and soft. This demonstrates the quality of hinges and rails, such as the leveling of the board and the smoothness of the countertop.

2. Check the tightness

The edge-sealing process of kitchen cabinets is very critical. It is necessary to apply imported edge-sealing machines and coordinate with imported hot-melt adhesives so that the effect of sealing the plates can be achieved. She reminds you that the appropriate side panel edge banding method is to seal the four corners of the side panel, thinner than 1 mm is better.

3.Han door hinge

The essential thing for kitchen cabinets to test is hinges. It not only connects the cabinet door and the door frame accurately, but also bears the net weight of the door frame alone, and it must keep the integrity of the door arrangement unchanged, otherwise, after some time, it will lean forward and slide shoulders. Drop corner. In the design scheme of all drawers, the essential accessory is the slide rail. Because of the unique natural environment of the kitchen, even if the low-quality slide rail is happy in the short term, it won't be straightforward to push and pull for a long time. Famous brand kitchen cabinet manufacturers usually use right quality slide rails

4. Select kitchen cabinets to see raw materials

The price composition of kitchen cabinets is more complicated. The materials of the cabinet doors, countertops, and hardware vary widely, and the prices vary widely. Therefore, it is necessary to know the basic common sense of some kitchen cabinets. Different raw materials as a whole endanger the application status and durability level of kitchen cabinets. Therefore, the raw materials of kitchen cabinets must be carefully selected for their application.

5. See after-sales service

The kitchen cabinet manufacturing industry is a custom manufacturing industry based on natural materials. The goods have their characteristics and have their own unique sales processes and service specifications in the market. The market sales of kitchen cabinet products are very flexible, and the service item cycle is relatively long. Products and services have become one of the critical factors that endanger customers' purchase choices. Efforts to achieve customer service item requirements have increased. More and more attention are paid to the promotion of after-sales service and the promotion of brand image.